Students Work

Print-Making Lesson

8th grade Lino-Cut Prints

In this lesson, students will be learning how to create Linocut prints. Students will have free choice of what they would like the image they wish to carve to be. Once students have chosen their images and have had sketches approved by the instructor students will then begin transferring their sketches onto the linoleum. Once they have finished transferring they will begin carving using the appropriate gouges that were covered during print-making safety while in class. Once the carving is complete students will work with printing partners to then pull their prints. Students may choose to bring a T-shirt if they wish to print again after the four required prints are completed.

Objectives: Students will be able to successfully complete each step of the printing process and create four successful linocut prints.

Self Portrait: Frida Kahlo Inspired

6th-grade graphite, paper, and colored pencils 

In this lesson, students will choose an artwork from Frida Kahlo that they connect with. This lesson should be paired with a discussion about the identity of the artist as well as their own identities. (Students should also have an understanding of the components of the human face as well as its proportions ) Once students have chosen their artwork they are then meant to create a self-portrait of themselves and an animal that they identify with. This artwork should be on a larger scale and should allow students to create their portraits with more ease (as this may be the student’s first experience with self-portraits.) This work is meant to be colored and can be mixed media if desired by the student or by the instructor.

Objective: Demonstration of art history, elements of art line and color, and demonstration of knowledge of facial proportions.

Stop motion

Roman myths 7th Grade

In this lesson, students will work in groups of 4 to 5 depending on the number of students within the class. Students will choose a story from a Greek/Roman Myth that they find interesting. Students will then write a script with their group mates to retell the story in their own words. Once the instructor has approved the script students will start creating their characters and sets. Students will use the app ‘Stop Motion’ (available on all platforms as well as chrome books. Students will work together to determine roles for their project but all must participate in each aspect of the process. Students will use sculpting tools as well as air dry and moldable clay for this assignment. This project will be long as there are many steps. Students will then prepare to present their film on the project’s due date. The film should be 4 to 5 minutes in length.

Objectives: Students will be able to complete each step of this stop-motion film, collaborate with their peers, and craftsmanship with in the project.